Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Healer's dilemma

Healing is an important aspect of the awakened spirit's chores
It is a measure that is significant only in these terrestrial shores
Many are the efforts undertaken by humans in its great attempts
But erroneous ways of healing cause greater damage than it prevents

A true healer is one who believes completely in the Spirit's power
Perception of the highest order is an accompaniment to provider
There is no element of doubt in the mind of one who shall heal
A true understanding of nature shall hidden pathways reveal

Rearranging nature's ways are not to be undertaken lightly
There are times when the natural order of things are inviolate
And exerting effort to transform it shouldnt be done blindly
Thus causing more damage to future lives that are implicate

Seeing a loved one suffering can be a traumatic experience
And seeking to remove its cause a natural human instinct
But the enlightened soul sometimes holds itself in check
Seemingly callous, yet observing unfolding destiny's imprint

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