Monday, November 5, 2007

Cessation of Fear

I had a ritual that I indulge in at times
Driving my car to a park not far off
I run through a verdant landscape
On a trail that winds among woody outcrop

It is a long trail - of perhaps 10 mile length
And swinging through trees and verdant bushes
It offers an experience of spirit quite blessed
The mind tends to free itself of confining meshes

It is a blissful time spent in solitude - people rarely seen
One such day I was running under the sun's bright sheen
I made my circuit and came back to my parking spot
I leaned against the car and turned my eyes heavenward

The world seemed a calm and peaceful place - full of love
I sensed a movement nearby and opened my eyes to look
A man was standing nearby - he seemed an ominous crook
There was noone else nearby and I sensed fear in truth

He approached soon enough and quickly pulled out a gun
Holding it against my forehead he uttered a quick threat
'Give me your wallet m** fu**' - profanity wide spread
I was too stunned to think, transition from peace to dread

I somehow looked into his eyes and saw a surface of hatred
But then deeper within I saw other emotions quite suppressed
His father not known, and his mother a drug addict hopeless
She financed her habit by selling her body, to men shiftless

The child was thrown on the living room rug, quite neglected
He yearned for affection and looked on, feeling quite rejected
His mother was rarely lucid, and made him feel very unloved
Pretty soon he was on the streets, by fate pushed and shoved

All this I sensed in a flash, not quite knowing what to do
He became impatient and his hands jerked in a staccato
I realized then that the transaction couldnt be completed
I didnt have my wallet - and his purpose seemed defeated

He was enraged at my tardiness and slashed at my face
The gun barrell hit me on the left cheek causing blood's race
'Why dont you bring your wallet mo** fu**' - he cursed
And then said - 'I will take your car then pri** in its place'

I somehow couldnt feel any pain and looked into his eyes
He seemed disconcerted at my direct glance deep inside
Grabbing my shirt he slashed at my face again on the right
And I felt blood spurting out from a gash symmetric each side

I fell to the ground and rolled over as he snatched the keys
Jumping into the car he uttered more hate filled speech
With a screaming of tortured tires he pulled out of the lot
And pumping the gas, he left, as my blood started to clot

I lay there for a while and the surroundings were peaceful
After a while I managed to sit up - fighting oblivion's pull
Thanks to a good samaritan passing by I contacted the police
Quite soon they arrived and started taking down my stories

I went back to my daily routine after filing the proper complaint
A neighborhood doctor attended to my face and reduced inflame
With stitches on both sides, I could hardly move my facial muscle
Every move I made reminded me of the harsh morning tussle

Soon enough I got a call from the authorities - they had him
I went to the police station and saw my car parked in front
Going into the station I was told to identify the assailant
I requested a meeting with the desperado - reaction different

Why? - asked the inspector in charge - he was somewhat alarmed
I responded with a shrug - 'I dont know' - an act to be performed
I was led into the room where he was seated and he stared at me
His eyes were filled with desperation as he stared quite balefully

'What are you going to do mo** fu**?' - he said spitting on the floor
'How do you like them stitches?' - he laughed as saw my facial sore
Once again I found myself looking at a rejected child left to grieve
I stared at him without speaking for a while and then turned to leave

His derisive laughter was ringing in my ears as I approached the inspector
He was anxious to see justice served and looked at me as an avenger
'I am not pressing any charges' - I said to his utter disbelief and shock
'Why on earth not?' - he said - but I was not in any position to talk

I walked out and went to my car and leaning against it looked heavenward
I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye and it was the freed bird
He came closer and said : 'What you pri** - you think you are quite noble?'
'I think you are just a piece of sh**' - he said with slurred speech wrathful

I said - ' I am waiting here to complete our transaction - did you forget?'
'What transaction mother f**?' - he said, reaching inside for a cigaret
'You had wanted my wallet a few days ago when I didnt have it on me'
'Here it is now - you can take it as a gift and it is quite filled with money'

He laughed aloud - ' You must be one of those sick hin** mo** fuc**'
'You are a wimp man and you deserve to be robbed you weak pushover'
So saying he grabbed the wallet from my extended hand, and ran
I stood my ground awhile and wondered at this strange divine plan

Several days later I was back at my old ritual and started to run again
My face had healed well and I was able to smile and even sing in refrain
I somehow didnt feel any trepidation at visiting the scene of my assault
Nature was unchanged and in its impeccable beauty - never did default

I finished my run on one such day and came back to the parking lot
I leaned against the door and noticed a small note stuck in the wiper slot
Fishing it out I looked at it - in almost illegible writing it said - 'thanks'
Puzzled for a moment - I looked around at trees standing in silent ranks

Realization then dawned on me as I understood who had written the note
It was unsigned but nonetheless its author's identity was never in doubt
I felt bliss flooding through me at the second interaction's contrasting hue
I looked heavenward and said - 'Not me divine friend, but thank YOU'

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