Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fallen warrior

The struggle was on to get an answer to some questions troublesome
Was the spiritual way the right one or was it a refuge from impotence?
These were fundamental questions that released the mind seldom
It was the rise of the marauding hordes that blocked all deliverance

This is a battle that is faced all alone as the journey was started thus
The hand is empty bereft of weapon and the warrior stands defenseless
His fortitude was the cloak of peace conferred by an iron clad belief
In the worthiness of purpose that was like a scimitar in its silken sheath

The inner doubts start gnawing at the irresolute soldier on the field
Leaving him hollow and sinews straining on the brink of utter defeat
Looking up for guidance at the distant star of kindly life giving light
He utters a prayer seeking the solace of Divinity's true path bright

The lessons taught paled into insignificance faced with lessons to learn
A dual faced tempstress felled him from within with a slow keen burn
Knowing that his life is not interrupted but is a seamless smooth tapestry
His eyes close slowly shutting out external stage unable to witness travesty

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